Every year in December my local camera club gets together to celebrate another year of accomplishments and to share our best five images of the year. This year was my first year being the activities coordinator for the club. Each month we focus on a new skill or setting to practice all different aspects of photography. For my five image to show at this year's December meeting I decided to pick images just from those outings in a hope to drum up some more participation for next year. The images I chose came from three of our outings. A weekend trip in February to the Olympic National Park, a spring outing in the Skagit Valley tulips fields, and an autumn trip out to the Olympic Peninsula. However, since I am not limited to five images in this post I included a few more. I also included images from spring outings here on Whidbey Island to South Whidbey State Park, Meerkerk Gardens, and Fort Ebey. I have lots more images to go through in order to narrow down my top ten for 2018, but this was a good start. Are you in a camera club? I'm gathering ideas for 2019. What are some of the outings your camera club has been on that you enjoy? Send me a message. I'd love to hear from you. Or pop over to my Facebook page and join the conversation. Thanks! ~Holly